A cookbook, why not? I
have been cooking and baking for more than half a century. I titled the book First Steal A Chicken, an old joke about
the Hungarian recipe for chicken soup, which starts: First, steal a chicken. The
Romanian version is: First, get someone to buy you a chicken. My attempt at
humor in food preparation is not unique. For a few belly laughs, read Charles
Lamb’s A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig.
Please excuse the pun.
I collected hundreds of
recipes from friends, neighbors, chefs, newspapers, magazines, books, and the Internet.
Some are even my own concoctions. I tried to credit the source e.g. Ann Seranne’s Rib Roast of
Beef, Diane’s Brisket, Hilde’s Mom’s Lemon Pound Cake, and Paul’s Cumberland
Sauce. I tested most of the recipes and rejected some that didn’t taste good or
were too complicated. All types were included from appetizers to desserts.
There were Chinese, European, Southern, early American, etc. I never published
the book but printed a few copies for family and friends. Later I decided that
if there was to be a 2nd edition, there would be some rejections and
inclusions, but that never happened.
I love cooking and baking
bread. My kids, now grown, Diane, David, and Jonathan, are all good cooks to the
considerable satisfaction of their spouses.
Cooking can be a creative
enterprise like painting, sculpture, and writing. Each of those requires
considerable effort, but the reward is the pleasure that comes from the
satisfaction or delight of the taster, viewer, or reader. This pleasure comes
in arithmetic progression in that the more tasters, viewers, or readers, the
greater the pleasure.
Love this...I had not heard the "steal a chicken" joke before! Is there no end to your talents and interests?